WSCC Scholarships

The Scholarship Application 下面的链接将提示您通过动态表单登录以完成申请. 如果您已经有一个帐户,请使用您当前的登录信息登录.  If 如果您没有动态表单帐户,请使用学生的电子邮件创建一个 address as directed below. The application will be available until February 15, 2024, at midnight. A FAFSA is required if you are awarded a Scholarship ( 

Complete 2024-2025 Scholarship Application
  1. Click the "Create a New Account" link
  2. Complete the "Create a new account" page 
  3. Click the "Create Account" button
  4. 激活电子邮件将发送到此页面上提供的电子邮件
  5. Open your e-mail to find the activation message
  6. Click the link provided to activate your account
  7. Click the Continue link to log into your account
  8. Log into Dynamic Forms
  9. Enter the answer for your secret question
  10. Check This is my device (optional)
  11. Click Login
  12. Update your cell phone information (optional)
  13. Click Not Now or Save. You will be fully logged into Dynamic Forms


奖学金是在竞争的基础上颁发的,不保证最低限度 requirements in each category. Carefully read the requirements for the scholarship for which you are applying. Only completed scholarship applications with the required information will be considered. A WSCC 入学申请,正式成绩单和奖学金申请必须 be on file at the College before a scholarship can be awarded. Students are required to apply for Federal Aid at  Wallace State’s school code is 007871.

pg电子官网州立社区学院奖学金申请 deadline is February 15, 2024, at midnight.

奖学金申请必须在网上完成,问题可以直接提出 to Stacey Sivley, Scholarship Chairperson, at 256.352.8241 or

Presidential Scholarships

  • 适用于在WSCC学习学术课程的学生 awarded for up to 16 credit hours per semester
  • 根据ACT综合成绩,累积平均绩点, 完成奖学金申请和个人使命陈述
  • ACT + GPA必须等于30(小数点不能四舍五入)
  • Must maintain a 3.0 GPA per semester while receiving this scholarship

Academic Excellence Scholarships

  • 适用于在WSCC学习学术课程的学生,并受到重视 at $1500 per semester
  • 根据ACT综合成绩,累积平均绩点, 完成奖学金申请和个人使命陈述
  • ACT成绩加GPA必须等于27(小数点不能四舍五入)
  • Must maintain a 3.0 GPA per semester while receiving this scholarship

Leadership Scholarships

  • 适用于在WSCC学习学术课程的学生,并受到重视 at $1250 per semester
  • 根据ACT综合成绩,累积平均绩点, 完成奖学金申请,个人使命陈述和文件 杰出的领导才能和社区服务(最多10项活动) the application – no attachments)
  • ACT成绩加GPA必须等于24(小数点不能四舍五入)
  • Must maintain a 3.0 GPA per semester while receiving this scholarship

Performing Arts Scholarships

  • 通过试镜程序授予,授予的金额各不相同
  • 试镜在春季学期举行-联系音乐系256-352-8277 specific dates and application procedures
  • Must maintain a 2.5 GPA per semester while receiving this scholarship

Allied Health and Nursing Scholarships

  • 适用于WSCC卫生保健专业的学生,价值1500美元 per semester
  • 根据ACT综合成绩,累计平均绩点(3.0 or better), 参加俱乐部和组织,和/或在保健机构有志愿者经验 environment
  • 如果你选择的课程要求最低ACT分数,你的ACT分数必须相等 to or exceed the required minimum score
  • 所有联合健康和护理奖学金获得者必须符合所有入学标准 for the chosen program of study
  • 如果学生不攻读联合健康专业,奖学金将无效
  • Must maintain a 3.0 GPA per semester while receiving this scholarship

Career Technical Scholarships

  • 适用于在WSCC学习技术课程的学生和金额 awarded varies
  • 根据ACT综合成绩,累积平均绩点, 完成奖学金申请,个人使命陈述和技术成就
  • 如果获得奖学金,你必须修满75%的专业课程 of study per semester.  Additional academic classes may be taken toward an A.A.S. degree in the technical program
  • 如果学生不攻读职业技术专业,奖学金将无效
  • Must maintain a 3.0 GPA per semester while receiving this scholarship.

**pg电子官网州立机构奖学金不可堆叠,所有获得者必须堆叠 be U.S. citizens.**

有关pg电子官网州立未来基金会提供的奖学金信息,请访问 Alumni Association, and other entities, visit WSCC Future Foundation Scholarships.

WSCC Student Ambassador Scholarships

WSCC学生大使奖学金是在竞争的基础上颁发的 GUARANTEED based on minimum requirements in each category.
Must maintain a 3.0 GPA per semester while receiving this scholarship. 仔细阅读WSCC学生大使的申请要求. Only 完整的奖学金申请和所需的信息将被考虑. 入学申请,正式成绩单和奖学金申请 必须在学院存档才能获得奖学金. Students are required to apply for Federal Aid at  Wallace State’s school code is 007871.

pg电子官网州立社区学院奖学金申请截止日期为2月15日, 2024, at midnight.

Apply Now

Scholarship Appeal:


Spring Scholarship Appeal

Summer Honors Scholarship for High School Students

Deadline: April 1, 2024
**2024年毕业的大四学生没有资格获得该奖学金. Applicants must be 即将到来的高中二年级,三年级和四年级的秋季2024.**

Please Note:

  • 申请人必须在申请之前完成WSCC入学申请 scholarship.
  • 奖学金仅限于即将入学的高中学生的学术课程 sophomores, juniors, and seniors in Fall 2024.
  • This scholarship covers tuition and fees up to $498 (2024年夏季学费:3学时= 498美元,4学时= 664美元).
  • 如果适用,奖学金获得者负责支付余额 covered by the scholarship before May 21.
  • 奖学金获得者将根据当前高中GPA和活动来选择 list provided by the applicant (on the application).
  • 学生必须填写2023-2024年FAFSA表格才能申请奖学金 WSCC account. 
Complete the Summer Honors Scholarship Application  

The Scholarship Application 上面的链接将提示您登录到动态表单完成申请. 如果您已经有一个帐户,请使用您当前的登录信息登录.  If 如果您没有动态表单帐户,请使用学生的电子邮件创建一个 address as directed below:

  1. Click the "Create a New Account" link
  2. Complete the "Create a new account" page 
  3. Click the "Create Account" button
  4. 激活电子邮件将发送到此页面上提供的电子邮件
  5. Open your e-mail to find the activation message
  6. Click the link provided to activate your account
  7. Click the Continue link to log into your account
  8. Log into Dynamic Forms
  9. Enter the answer for your secret question
  10. Check This is my device (optional)
  11. Click Login
  12. Update your cell phone information (optional)
  13. Click Not Now or Save. You will be fully logged into Dynamic Forms


Other Wallace State Scholarships

GED Scholarship (One Free Class)
在阿拉巴马州完成GED考试后,通过的学生 2002年7月考试合格后,有资格获得三个学时、一次性奖学金.

Senior Adult Scholarship Program
符合院校录取要求的学生,年龄在60岁或以上 老年人,有资格获得高级成人奖学金计划,其中包括 tuition only, not fees. 奖学金可用于过渡课程和学分课程. Scholarships are limited based on availability of space.

WSCC Employee and Dependent Tuition Waiver
学费减免计划只支付学费,不支付其他费用. 它是为阿拉巴马州的所有全职和工资时间表H-35员工设计的 社区学院系统及其附属机构,定义见第II节. An application 学费援助计划的表格在每个机构都有,应该 be completed prior to registration for classes.

Click here for the Tuition Waiver Form.

Financial Aid
Wallace State Community College
PO Box 2000
Hanceville AL 35077

Financial Aid Office
(256) 352-8182
(256) 352-8122 Office Fax